Pray for Ukraine

Now, more than ever, the people of God need to PRAY—and to pray FERVENTLY. With the current crisis happening in the Ukraine, the media are predicting the biggest war in Europe since 1945. But as we’ve seen in times past, faith and prayer knows no limits!

Join us to stand united with those in Ukraine. We are believing the promise that declares “the earnest prayer of a righteous person avails much” (James 5:16).

Here’s what we are praying and believing for:

  1. God writes another glorious story over Eastern Europe.
  2. God will fill Ukrainian and Russian believers with wisdom, strength, and courage.
  3. God will thwart every evil scheme of the enemy.
  4. God will give supernatural wisdom to global leaders on how how to handle this crisis.
  5. There will be a great outpouring of God’s Spirit over Eastern Europe and many will come to salvation.

Let’s be bold, strong, and persistent as we stand united.

Much love, John, Lisa & the Messenger Team